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  2. No. Checking availability is separate from priority. There is no "going through the list of priority," this theory was tested extensively and came out false every time. (Took a very long time to convince scarletmagi 😅) Priority is relative chance that action will be selected of the ones deemed available. So three viable actions with 100 priority each have a 1/3rd chance of being selected. (Actual selection chance is "Selection Chance = Action PV / (Action PV + all other action PVs) ) Yes, as said in the post, "fight" is treated just as every other action with two exceptions: Fight priority is tied to job not the ability (there is no "fight" ability in the ability data as far as I know), and fight is selected as the default action if no actions are viable (including fight).
  3. This is just what I needed. Very good information, thank you! So basically the AI checks through every available action first, if the highest priority value can not be performed due to mana cost, status, etc, then it jumps to the next priority. Can there be a circumstance where fight is just generally a higher priority? Even if other actions are available? As in, does it read "Fight" as a priorty as well when it's scrolling through the actions?
  4. Here's the current AI behavior model based on tests which were done in the FFTA Modding discord a little while ago. 1. Group all viable actions together. 2. Roll for an action weighted by action priority values. 3. Seek to execute said action. Details: 1. An action is considered viable if: - The unit has enough mp to perform it - The unit's status condition allows the action to be performed - The unit either has the boss status or would not break a law by using said ability - There is a viable target for the action somewhere on the map 2. Priority Values - Action priority values appear to be simply added together. (So a 50PV action and 80PV action means you'd have a 38.5/61.5% chance for each action to be chosen) - Each job has a "Fight" Action Priority Value (Listed as "Aggressiveness" in AIO 0.7.7). This is included in the action roll. - If no action is able to be selected (see above) then the "Fight" command is chosen. 3. Execution - Movement is bundled in with performing an action - AI seeks to be as far from the selected target as possible while still able to perform the action. - If the target of the selected action is out of range the AI will simply move as if they were going to perform the action and then do nothing. ==== There is still a lot which is unknown (How does it select a target? How does it weight tiles when moving?) and very little documentation on this topic. If anyone has further data, disassembly information, or information which disproves the things listed above please share.
  5. Darthatron's Modding Tools: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance AOI Editor: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Text Editor:
  6. Greetings! I wanted to start a thread for a tool that I am actively developing, as I find that with feedback, I'll be able to present a better final product. Features: - Logs all hex modifications to the file in a concise format - Allows for reverting to previous versions of the mod - Allows for importing of other mods from a created mod script - Allows for collaboration and packaging of smaller mods and versions - Allows for merging multiple changes into one packaged script for mod export - Compatible with mac, Linux, windows All in all, it's convenient version control for modding and debugging as you can revert individual changes and then add them back, among other things. Let me know your thoughts and ideas and maybe I can make this more feature-ful. Thank you!
  7. Welcome to Hacktactics Advance, which aims to be the official, dedicated FFTA and FFTA2 modding community. Please enjoy! Rules are simple: Be helpful and be nice, you know what's right and wrong! Enjoy!
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